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Possession of Meth Charges in Georgia


Possession of Meth Charges in Georgia

At Zeliff | Watson, our lawyers fight possession of meth charges throughout Georgia. Possession of meth is a felony crime in Georgia and those convicted can spend up to 25 years in prison. Under Georgia laws, meth is classified as a schedule II drug, meaning it has been determined there is a high potential for abuse of the drug and it may lead to both physical and psychological dependence. Law enforcement is vigilant in their enforcement of meth possession laws, and often anyone in a car, or even at a house where meth is found will be arrested for possession. Of course, this felony crime can have a devastaing effect on your criminal history, especially if your record is clean.

Those accused of simple possession of meth are usually given a bond by a magistrate judge, while possession with the intent to distribute of only bondable by a superior court judge. If you are on probation when you are arrested for possession of meth, your PO will put a hold on you, and you will have to appear for a revocation hearing to determine your punishment.

If you have been arrested for possession of meth, your case will be heard in the superior court of the county where you were arrested, since meth is always a felony charge. Depending on the facts of your case and your criminal history, your lawyer may be able to negotiate something other than a guilty plea on your charges. Of course, you always have the right to a trial in front of a judge or jury, but most cases are resolved with a negotiated plea between your defense lawyer and the prosecutor. Sometimes, hearings on the admissibility of evidence are also necessary and your lawyer will evaluate your case to determine the best strategy for these hearings.

Conditional Discharge, First Offender & Drug Court for Meth Charges

Under Georgia law, there are various plea options you want to discuss with your lawyer if you are charged with possession of meth. Conditional discharges are one type of plea, sometimes known as a ‘drug first offender’ and can offer benefits to anyone facing meth charges. A Georgia First Offender plea is a second possibility in cases of meth possession and even possession with the intent to distribute. Some counties may have diversion, drug court and similar programs which you will want to speak to an attorney about.

If you plead Guilty to a meth charge, your Georgia driver's license will be suspended in addition to the other fines, treatment conditions and probation requirements that you are given. Their are plea options that can save your license from suspension, so be sure to speak to your attorney about what options you have to keep driving.

We Are Meth Defense Lawyers in Forsyth County

If you have been charged with possession of meth in Metro Atlanta or North Georgia, call our offices today to setup a consultation about your case. We will take the time to speak with you about your possible defenses, plea or treatment options, and how we would build your defense. Our team handles dozens of meth crimes every year in North Atlanta and we have the resources and knowledge to defend your meth case no matter what the circumstances. We can be reached at (770) 676-1340 or by using the contact form on this website.

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